Salam Kenal,..
******* terima kasih, atas kunjungannya , . .
_________________________ ( doel*C$ )____

Selasa, 20 Juni 2017

HFMERIN FURUNO FS-1503,second.

Hf Merin FURUNO fs-1503
* Tx Rx Normal Baik
* Tombol2 dll gak ada masalah
* Original Mic Dinamic dll
* Sehat Daleman
* Power 120 W + di 13,8 Vdc
* Cover Lusuh/Kusam
* Jual Apa Adanya....
Harga ; 2,8jt ....`Cuci Gudang`

1 komentar:

  1. Greetings I am Jorge Yy4gor Radio Amateur from Venezuela

    I have a furuno fs-1303 ssb I would like to know how to do a full reset that is as factory.

    thank you I hope answer if you can help me
